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Freelancing Copywriter

Monday, January 30, 2006


Chaos Moksha 2006. IIM-A's annual cultural festival. I was there. It was fun. Loads of fun. Loads of Chaos.

Chaos. "Moksha" was the theme this year. Moksha means salvation. Nirvana. Attainment of the highest level of consciousness. The feeling of being one with the world. Though I know I won't get that feeling in the "recent" future (if there is such a thing :P)... I definitely went close to moksha if I consider the experience of four days combined.

Chaos Moksha was about friends, daytime train journeys, beautiful songs on beautiful guitars, girls, diagonal dorms, old campus, new campus, the underpass, the night sessions at the underpass, girls, Strings, Jal, Amaan Ali and Ayaan Ali, gujju thali food, music competitions, graffiti, almost-won-at-the-dumb.c incident, nangu, patni, patni's stalker chick, vodka in faculty block, vodka hidden in bag, vodka shots in dorm, vodka at rooftops, screwdriver vodka, smoke after vodka, hindi jam, ditched english jam, jammaster, NID fash-p, girls, more girls, non-iitian girls, getting phone numbers, what it eez, free biscuits, free mcfills chips, free time, a free world!

So much to say, so much to experience. Will definitely go next year as well.

However, more than Chaos, I fell in love with IIMA second time over. IIMA, hold your arms wide open, because if you look hard enough, you can see me coming. You should be grateful for this you know, it is not often that I so long for something. Consider yourself honored.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Wish upon the stars

Having lost my hard-earned bad mood today, I was wondering how it felt like to have a wishlist. That is, a DEFINED wishlist. Here I go, defining one of my first written wishes. If it is true that the written (or typed :P) word is more powerful than the spoken word, then I stand a better chance of this wish being fulfilled...

The world's hottest L

Sorry for the cranky title, and thanks for appreciating a saying that I just quoted above, about the written, typed and spoken words. In a state of a higher consciousness, it was I who said that...

Monday, January 16, 2006


Calvin said once, that he didn't like maxims that encouraged behaviour modification. Or something to that effect.

This is one of the reasons I love Calvin and Hobbes. The six year old's rants are like hot brownies dipped in chocolate sauce. The chocolate sauce goes deep down inside the brownie, and the brownie just melts in your mouth, more or less like instant karma. He just says it with utmost simplicity, and I take it in with grace. Hats off to you, Mr. Bill Watterson.

That's how life is supposed to be. Simple. Free. I want it to be the way it is supposed to be. It isn't. The reason: people. People I don't like. People I hate. People I detest. People I'd skin alive and bury if I had the heart to do so. The heart won't agree though. I would go up to those very people, telling them things, trying to somehow transform them into people I like, people I can atleast try to like. And then, I remember the Calvin-quote. If I didn't like behaviour modifications, I logically shouldn't be trying it on other people.

So then, let people be, I said. I said to myself, that I give a damn about who these people are and what they do. They don't exist in my universe. I decided not to go and tell things to people. My rants are way too valuable to waste on people who are mere cretins.

And the very day I decided to do the aforementioned, I found people breathing all over my neck and face, invading into my own little universe, trying to tell me what to do or what not. Trying to dictate my life to their terms. Trying to change me into a person that they can try to like. Trying to turn me into one of their kind. Trying to make a cretin out of me.

Irony hurts. I relucantly accepted my flaw, and rectified it, and the same day, I was being forced into unrectifying the issue. I wanted to tell things to those people. I wanted to tell them to go mind their own business. I wanted to tell them to live their own lives.

I wanted to tell them to just shut up.
I did not tell them anything.
Flaw rectified. I finally live.
My own life, my own game, with my own set of rules.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Frequency tending to zero

So. Here goes. A nice topic in place, I start blogging again. Let us redo some of the old bullshit. An outlet for for my mind. A place for my head. Somewhere I can write and marvel at my skill at writing... well, maybe not that, but everything else. You know the works.

Now to the stuff. Not that there is any, but anyway... The new year is here. Had a blast on new year's eve. Did not go partying as most people would do, but had a nice time with friends in general. Made up some resolutions in my head, but did not call them resultions. Just things which I'd like to do. Then I thought, might as well call them resolutions and get another excuse for not doing the things I thought I should be doing. Well, resolutions are meant to be broken, innit?

Jokes kinda apart, I DO have a lot of stuff in my head right now, and I should be getting out there and doing it instead of wasting my time here in front of the moronic computer. At the back of my head, I do know that there is nothing more satisfying in keeping the promises you make to yourself. I've never experienced that satisfaction. Not that I don't want to. It's just that I've been satisfied with lesser satisfactions till now. Makes sense?